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Talented Job Seekers
Inclusive Employers

Unlocking job opportunities for
people with disabilities.


Remote Job Opportunities

We understand the significant benefits that remote work offers to individuals with disabilities. Explore exciting work-from-home opportunities that empower you to succeed!

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We're in Your Corner

Disability should never be a barrier to a fulfilling career. That's why Disability Solutions partners with top employers who not only embrace diversity but also recognize the unique talents of people with disabilities.


"Building a strong talent base that includes people with disabilities positions us to better connect with all types of consumers, which is definitely a business objective of our Diversity and Engagement platform."


Marty Bean

Senior Vice President, Field Sales

Pepsico North America Beverages

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Job Seeker Webinars

Unlock key interview insights by joining our weekly job seeker webinars. Gain essential job search tips, expert advice on applications and interviewing, participate in practice interviews, and more. 

Confident Businesswoman
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The Tools for Success

Disability Solutions offers tools that enable individuals and veterans with disabilities to find the next big career opportunity.


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Mark Lang
Job Seeker

Disability Solutions helped me with the interview process, they gave me confidence, because they saw I had an ability not a disability.

Julie Cuesta
Job Seeker

They made me feel like I wasn't alone.

It made me feel like there are other people out there and it's not happening to just me.

Juan Olivo
Veteran Job Seeker

I spent eleven and a half years in the military and during that time I fell out of practice with basic interview skills and proper etiquette when presenting myself to prospective employers. The program got me where I needed to be to become successful.

AskJanet Powered by CAREgpt

Janet is a conversational Al tool that instantly answers questions about ADA accommodations using the latest information from AskJAN and the EEOC.


Have questions about workplace accommodations? Just AskJanet below!


Please contact us with any questions or concerns

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