Ticket to Work
As a National Employment Network of the Social Security Administration’s “Ticket to Work” program, Ability Beyond, Disability Solutions parent company, assists individuals all over the country to achieve their employment goals to reach financial self-sufficiency through
full-time work.
Ticket to Work Program
All individuals who receive Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are eligible for the free, no-strings-attached benefits of Ticket to Work employment and support services if they desire to start on an employment path towards full-time employment.
Services are individually designed and are available at no cost to those seeking to return to the workforce, increase their employment, maintain their current job, or those wishing to pursue career advancement or new opportunities. Services are offered virtually, via phone, email, FaceTime, and the internet. Complete the form below to find the support you need.
Program Overview
50 years experience
504 people hired in jobs annually
265 employers
1,050 people supported annually
Complete the Ticket to Work form below.
An employment specialist from Ability Beyond will be in contact with you.
Services Available
Individuals Seeking Return to the Workforce/Increase Their Employment
Career Exploration and Counseling
Benefits Consultation and Work Incentives Planning
Resume and Cover Letter Preparation
Expertise in Current Labor Trends
Interview Skill Development
Assistance with Job Applications
Guidance Surrounding Disclosure
Positive ongoing support and encouragement
Individuals Seeking to Maintain Employment
Job Coaching
Conflict resolution and support
Career Counseling
Career Advancement
Salary Negotiation
Ongoing Benefits Consultation
Expertise with Reasonable Accommodations and the ADA
Positive ongoing support and encouragement